Category Archives: Misc


Merry Christmas to Everyone. Peace on Earth for Everyone, Everywhere.


The thuggification of black men

©ourtesy of nightelfdruid | |

Shaun King speaks on the thuggification of black men

Humans in New York speak

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humansSometimes NOTHING Makes Sense

“I’m an unemployed single father, and I feel like I’ve been written out of the economy. I’ve got a PhD in Microbiology and Immunology, but I can’t get a job in teaching, medical writing, or research. They showed us a video in the food stamp office about finding a job. It showed some guy bagging groceries, and he said something like: ‘People assume I’m not smart because I’m bagging groceries, but I’ve got a bachelors degree and some graduate school experience!’ I think they were telling me to lower my expectations.’”

Ferguson’s Response to the grand jury decision. Anger!

©ourtesy of The Editor

My Response. Disappointment.

Rest in Peace HATEWhat disappointments me most is how the world so easily misinterprets the atrocities of Humans by isolating a TRAGEDY to one GROUP. In this case, The St. Louis Police Department (I am NOT in defense of anyone involved mind you). Admit-tingly, No Judge or Jury can decide any case, with or without Evidence. Supposedly. In truth. No one Person or a ‘lot’ of Persons, have the CAPACITY to Judge another Human Being even with a mountain of Evidence. All one can do is what the Courts attempt to do and that is, TO GUESSTIMATE. So. Where does that leave us?

Here! In a World ravaged with FEAR, HATE and Injustice for ALL. Continue reading

Women Work for Country

©ourtesy of womenrockscience:

ww iiWomen in STEM of WWII – The real “Rosie Riveters”

In most countries women were not permitted to fight on the front lines of the war. Instead, they supported the war effort by learning, training and taking up jobs usually held by men.

These women did a lot more than rivet, they designed, built and tested thousands of aircraft in factories across Canada and the US.  Prior to the war, women would have been mostly banned from taking up such jobs.

Sources: Library of Congress

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Flu vaccines don’t prevent the flu but actually increase the odds of getting it.

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Johns Hopkins Scientist, Peter Doshi, Ph.D., Reveals Shocking Report on Flu Vaccines. A Johns Hopkins scientist has issued a blistering report on influenza vaccines in the British Medical Journal (BMJ). Peter Doshi, Ph.D., charges that although the vaccines are being pushed on the public in unprecedented numbers, they are less effective and cause more side effects than alleged by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Further, says Doshi, the studies that underlie the CDC’s policy of encouraging most people to get a yearly flu shot are often low quality studies that do not substantiate the official claims. Promoting influenza vaccines is one of the most visible and aggressive public health policies in the United States, says Doshi of the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. Drug companies and public officials press for widespread vaccination each fall, offering vaccinations in drugstores and supermarkets. The results have been phenomenal. Only 20 years ago, 32 million doses of influenza vaccine were available in the United States on an annual basis. Today, the total has skyrocketed to 135 million doses.

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‘Voting While Trans’ in America

©ourtesy of TransGenderEquality

Voting While TransAre you registered to vote?

Visit to check your voter registration information. Learn more about the identification you need to vote in your state and to locate your local polling place.


goshe copy

Trick-or-treating is a customary celebration for children on Halloween. Children go in costume from house to house, asking for treats such as candy or sometimes money, with the question, “Trick or treat?” The word “trick” refers to “threat” to perform mischief on the homeowners or their property if no treat is given. The practice is said to have roots in the medieval practice of mumming, which is closely related to souling (discussed above). John Pymm writes that “many of the feast days associated with the presentation of mumming plays were celebrated by the Christian Church.”. These feast days included All Hallows’ Eve, Christmas, Twelfth Night and Shrove Tuesday. Mumming, practiced in Germany, Scandinavia and other parts of Europe, involved masked persons in fancy dress who “paraded the streets and entered houses to dance or play dice in silence.” Their “basic narrative framework is the story of St. George and the Seven Champions of Christendom.” – – more


California is Number #1 State where poverty is worse than you think!

©ourtesy of (Yahoo)

CALIFORNIA: Supplemental poverty rate 2011-2013: 23.4% (the highest)povertyCALIFORNIA HAS:

> An Official poverty rate: 16.0% (15th highest)

> The State price level: 4th highest

> Pct. without health insurance: 17.2% (8th highest)

In no state was the gap between the official poverty rate and the supplemental poverty rate wider than in California. Between 2011 and 2013, an average of 16% of residents earned incomes below the poverty line, one of the higher rates in the nation. Once taxes, cost of living, and non-cash income were taken into account, the poverty rate rose to 23.4%, the highest supplemental poverty rate nationwide. California’s high cost of living is the largest force pushing state residents into poverty. The cost of rent relative to the rest of the nation was higher than in every state except for Hawaii in 2012. Every day items are also more expensive in California than in the vast majority of states. And despite a wide-ranging need for government assistance, just 9.4% of households received food stamps last year, one of the lowest rates. – – READ MORE

Other States with grave POVERTY are:

2) HAWAII  |  3) NEW JERSEY  |  4) FLORIDA  |  5) NEVADA  |   6)  MARYLAND  |  7) VIRGINIA  |  8) MASSACHUSETTS  |  9) NEW HAMPSHIRE  |  10) CONNECTICUT Continue reading

This Friday, Don’t Forget…HOLLAween

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holla x1Michael always comes home at Halloween !!

According to many scholars, All Hallows’ Eve is a Christianized feast initially influenced by Celtic harvest festivals, with possible pagan roots, particularly the Gaelic Samhain. Other scholars maintain that it originated independently of Samhain and has solely Christian root. Typical festive Halloween activities include trick-or-treating (or the related “guising“), attending costume parties, decorating, carving pumpkins into jack-o’-lanterns, lighting bonfires, apple bobbing, visiting haunted house attractions, playing pranks, telling scary stories, and watching horror films. In many parts of the world, the Christian religious observances of All Hallows’ Eve, including attending church services and lighting candles on the graves of the dead, remain popular, although in other locations, these solemn customs are less pronounced in favor of a more commercialized and secularized celebration. – – Read more on Wikipedia Continue reading